Call For

A one-page abstract should be submitted to one of the Symposium Co-ordinators, as listed in this announcement, together with the paper’s title, author’s name, address and affiliation, phone number, fax number and E-mail address of the main author.

The deadline for abstract submission is 31 May 2000. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee. Notice of acceptance of the abstracts will be mailed to the authors by the end of June, 2000.

The full paper should be submitted within 8 pages of A4 size paper.

The submitted papers will be collected in Technical Report of IEICE as the proceedings, which will be published on the Symposium date and distributed on site.

Instructions for preparation of the full manuscript will be mailed to the main authors of the accepted papers by the end of June, 2000.

A camera-ready manuscript must be mailed to and be received by the conference co-ordinator from Japan (Dr. T. Tanabe) for publication not later than 15 August 2000.